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Monday, July 03, 2006 

We've Joined The Revolution

We've talked about it for about the last year and a half. We've looked for about the last 8 months. We've studied, we've tested, we've discussed, but finally, on Saturday, we pulled the trigger.

We've joined the Tempur-Pedic Revolution.

We bought a King Sized Tempur-Pedic Classic mattress and foundation.

We had looked before, but never had a place where we could compare conventional mattresses, the "Sleep Number Bed" and the Tempur-Pedic. We ended up going to Mattress Firm, who sells all three beds.

First, we tried the conventional mattresses. It became an episode of "The Three Bears", with one mattress being too soft, one being two hard. Finally, we found a Sealy mattress both of us liked. Of course, it wasn't cheap. We never seem to luck out like that. But, it felt pretty good.

Then, we tried the Sleep Number bed. We found my sleep number, but as I was lying there, adjusting, moving around, the bed really felt like an air mattress. It wasn't anything to write home about, and absolutely not worth the money.

So, we moved over to the Tempur-Pedic mattresses. I had been looking at these for some time, ordering the Tempur-Pedic information kit, studying on line. Tempur-Pedic was really marketing to me as well, sending me more and better deals in the mail.

Mattress Firm had the "Classic Bed" on sale for $300.00 off. We tried it, and both of us liked it. I kept going back and forth between it and the conventional mattress, just to make sure. The Tempur-Pedic was only a couple hundred dollars more than the conventional bed we liked, and had a longer warranty. We wanted to go discuss it before making a decision.

At dinner, we decided to go ahead and get the bed. Being the family "dicker-er", I knew that I wanted some free stuff for the amount of money they were asking, especially after the sales person said that Tempur-Pedic price locks amongst stores, and she couldn't move the price.

So, I headed back after dinner. Our salesperson wasn't there, but her "best friend" was. Obviously, she wasn't concerned with protecting her "best friends" commission (or the corporate price lock), as she dropped the price immediately. Smelling blood in the water, I went in for the kill. While trying out the bed, Kim had tried a Tempur-Pedic neck pillow. She loved it. One of the mail promo pieces I had from Tempur-Pedic offered a free neck pillow, so I would have to have one if I was going to buy (a $99.00 value). Ok. Then, of course, I'm not going to pay for delivery. Ok, free delivery (a $59.00 value). And, we can do better on the price.

I ended up getting everything I wanted for the newly dropped price, with tax included in that price, and next day delivery, plus 18 month no interest.

So, Sunday, we got the bed, pillow, etc. But, Kim wasn't happy, because they had given us a medium size neck pillow, and she really wanted a larger one. So, back to the store with the unopened pillow box. A quick round of "I've Got A Deal" later, and I've got a Queen Large Pillow (a $140.00 value) in exchange for the Medium pillow.

The verdict after our first night sleeping? The jury is still out. We both found the bed comfortable, but there were parts of our backs that were not used to being supported in our sleep. This caused some slight aches and pains in those areas. However, I'm sure that they will disappear as we continue to sleep in the bed. I'm really looking forward to some pain free sleeping in the future.

FYI, Charlie had voted for the conventional mattress, as it was much better for bouncing. He had previously eaten some of the Tempur material they sent us (while my back was turned), and thought it wasn't that tasty, so he voted for the Sealy mattress. Unfortunately, he lost out, and will have to settle for bouncing on the Tempur bed, or in his bounce house.

I've tossed the idea of a Tempur-pedic bed around idly for some time. I'm curious what the final tally was. Mind sharing the next time I see you?

We've had our Tempur-pedic for 10 years or so. It still gets a big 'thumbs up' from the DuPonts.

Mo and I have the pillows and love them. The whole bed may not be too far off in the future.

Article about Temp mattresses on my blog today, please check it out.



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