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Thursday, August 10, 2006 

I went to the hospital and had part of my winky cut off, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt

So, Wednesday was the day that we had dreaded. Charlie was circumsized. We had it done at Children's Mercy South. Everything went great, and he is doing fine. They knocked him out, and then, after the surgery, gave him numbing in his nerves leading to that area, so he felt no pain after the surgery.

Here's some photos of the day.

First, we wake up, not really knowing what kind of day we have ahead of us.

Charlie sure loves him mommy!

Then, it's on to Children's Mercy. Everyone there was great.
Charlie got changed into the typical hopsital gown.

Fortunately, they had tons of toys and books to keep Charlie occupied. He loved the car in the waiting area (which is similar to one Grandmama and Papa bought him).

The doctor came in and checked on Charlie, and talked to us about the proceedure. When he was done, he went over to talk with the nurses, and Charlie walked up behind him and smacked him on the butt. The nurses laughed very loud, saying, "See, he's getting in his licks now before the surgery, while he still can".

Then, the anesthesiologist came in and checked Charlie. He decided to give Charlie a seditive to calm him down, because, well, Charlie is a two year old. They gave him "Baby Valium", and pretty soon, we had a stoned son.

Soon, the time came, and they took Charlie to surgery. Took about 45 minutes, and then the doctor came out to tell us everything was fine, and that he was being taken to recovery. Because of the "valium", Charlie slept quite a while. But, soon, we were taken to the recovery room, where Charlie was brought to us. He was pretty cranky, because of the IV in his arm, but snuggled right up to Mama.

He was wearing a t-shirt that said, "My surgery was "bear-able" at Children's Mercy". Thus, the title of this entry.

We drove him home, and he was still pretty stoned. However, on the drive home, we started hearing little signs of life, such as singing and blowing raspberries.
We knew he would be just fine.

Once we got home, we changed him and put him down for a nap. When he woke up, he was fine, and as you can tell, really didn't seem that affected by the whole ordeal.
He's still a little unhappy at diaper changes, because we have to put salve on the area, but other than that, he's back to normal. One funny thing we noticed. When he went to sleep that night, he slept so he didn't accidently "bump" the area.

We've taken off work so we can be with him for several days, and he's been really good.
I think we discovered that Tylenol with Codeine (the medicine they gave us for pain) really sets him off, as he was just a wound up machine on it. Once we switched to plain Tylenol, he's been much more normal. Today, he gets to go into work to see Mommy's co-workers.
And then, a fun weekend ahead.