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Thursday, November 09, 2006 


I've normally not put anything political in my blog, because I have many friends who don't share my political views, and don't want this to be a debate site. But, I felt I needed to comment on the elections this week, if not just to vent a little.

Most friends know I'm a conservative. Boy, did I take a beating. Not one issue or politician I voted for won (unless you count the judges).

But on the big picture, the loss of the house and possibly senate. All I can say is Shame on the Republicans for letting this happen. Shame on them for not listening to the conservative voters, and doing what they said they would do when we elected them. We had all these years in power, and all we have to brag about is temporary tax cuts and No Child Left Behind?

Where was immigration reform? Where was tax reform? Where is Social Security reform? Where was smaller government? The Republican office holders were afraid to do anything about it because they might alienate voters and lose office. Guess what? You did. Your lack of action allowed the Democrats to move to the center, and take over these issues.

Then, a poll shows that a majority of American's now view the Democrats as the more fiscally conservative party. No wonder, with out of control spending and entitlements under Republican leadership. Having Democrats back in power reminds me of the old joke where the man says his wife's credit card was stolen, but he didn't report it, because the thief spends less than she did. Maybe the Dems will be more fiscally responsible. Doubt it, but you never know.

We blew it. We had our chance, and squandered it with in-fighting and lack of vision. If our leaders had supported the conservative ideals, I believe we would still be in power. I truly believe that most American's want to pay less taxes. Most Americans don't mind giving a helping hand to someone who truly needs it, but don't like seeing the system abused. Most Americans hate seeing "pork" projects. Most Americans want a strong national defense, from all angles. Most Americans want immigration reforms, so that we can control our borders; not shut them down, but control who comes in to our country.

And, we didn't do anything about it. And now, we're paying the price.