Why do they call it "Stainless" steel?
My wife and I have been looking at appliances for the new house. She had her heart set on stainless steel appliances. However, after a quick look at stainless steel in a house for sale, we began rethinking.
Stainless steel appliances are not stainless. They show fingerprints. And not just a minor smudge. A giant discoloration. We tested by having Charlie touch a refridgerator at Lowes, and his little fingerprints are probably still on that thing. And they don't just wipe off. Oh no. You wipe em and they smear. You have to clean them off.
So, we thought, let's look at the "clean steel" models. One word, BLEH! They either look cheap, or come in very entry level models.
So, last night, I think we decided on white. Maybe some day, appliance makers will come out with a truly stainless "stainless steel". But, not in time for our house.
Stainless steel appliances are not stainless. They show fingerprints. And not just a minor smudge. A giant discoloration. We tested by having Charlie touch a refridgerator at Lowes, and his little fingerprints are probably still on that thing. And they don't just wipe off. Oh no. You wipe em and they smear. You have to clean them off.
So, we thought, let's look at the "clean steel" models. One word, BLEH! They either look cheap, or come in very entry level models.
So, last night, I think we decided on white. Maybe some day, appliance makers will come out with a truly stainless "stainless steel". But, not in time for our house.
In Hungarian, it's actually called "rust-stain-less" steel. So I think they must mean rust stain free?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:36 AM
why would it even occur to you to think that 'stainless steel' somehow meant that it is impervious to the greasy leavings of human fingers?
And "refrigerator" hasn't a 'd' in it.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:38 PM