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Sunday, March 30, 2008 

A Couple of Reviews

So, this weekend, we (the wife and I) actually had an "adult" evening out. Kim's friend Diane volunteered to babysit. Not for us, mind you, but just so she could spend some time with Charlie. She really loves him, and took him out for a truck ride, and then to Chic Fil A (so he could go on the slide). He loved being with her, and asked for her the next morning. So, Charlie has a new Aunt!

Anywho, Kim and I went to SAK Comedy Lab, the main improv company in Orlando. I first learned of SAK when I first started improvising. SAK attended on of the KC Improv Festivals I attended, and did a 3 person show that rocked the house.

So, Kim and I made reservations and went off to see their show, "Duel of Fools". It was a fairly familiar improv format; a host, and two teams consisting of three improvisers "competing" for points in a family friendly atmosphere.

The theatre was very nice, with a "no bad seat" feel to it. Everyone could hear what was on stage, and there was decent stage lighting. Overall, a good place to see a show.

The improv? Decent. Nothing earth shattering (they are doing short form games), but most scenes elicited genuine laughs. They did some musical stuff, which was merely ok (with the exception of Chase Padgett, who did a great job of singing an improvised song), and seemed to be having a good time.

I am pleased to say (brag?) that my friends in KC can meet or exceed anything I saw at SAK. That's one of the things I really miss about KC. The improv scene is advancing so quickly now, and I'm not there for it.


Saturday, I decided to take the family to Sea World. Charlie has been watching a tv show on TIVO about Sea World, and loves Shamu. So, after getting 50% off season pass coupons from a co-worker (thanks Kim Q.!), we ended up with season $20 less than a one day ticket.

The first thing we did was walk to Shamu stadium. I was expecting an ordeal to get a seat, waiting in line (like "Lights Motors Action at Disney's Hollywood Studios), but we found a great seat very easily. The show, "Believe" started right on time, and was very enjoyable. Charlie loved seing Shamu jump out of the water, and cackled outloud when Shamu splashed the audience.

Next, we went to Shamu's Happy Harbour. There was a giant tunnel town/cargo net climb area, so Charlie and I decided to climb it. BIG MISTAKE!!! Even though it's 4 stories high, and bigger than most buildings, it's still not built for big guys. We climbed through the first tunnel, up the first cargo net, and I quickly realized that there was no easy way out. The tunnels are very small, and the nets are very rough, making me regret my choice of wearing shorts. After about 15 minutes, we made it out, and I was exhausted. Charlie was ready to go again, but I said no way.

After a quick meal at the Anheiser Busch area (where they serve free beer!!!!!), we went over to look at the two main rides, Journey to Atlantis and Kraken. I vetoed Journey to Atlantis (a water ride) because it was getting colder and you get soaked on it. But, I wanted to ride Kraken, the floorless roller coaster. Kim didn't want to ride in the dark for the first time, but I was game, so after a very short wait, I experienced Sea Worlds signature ride. It was probably the best roller coaster I've been on. Intense drops, fast loops, and very smooth. None of the harsh jerking that we experienced in Las Vegas on the New York New York coaster. Just fast and fun.

Overall, Sea World was fun. However, it struck me, that Sea World isn't even in the same ball park as Disney. Yes, it's nice, clean, and beautiful. But, I would have to classify it as being in the same league as Six Flags, Worlds of Fun, Magic Mountain, etc. It may very well lead the pack, but it's not immersive like Disney. There was no real theme that I could discern, and no "magic". One thing against it . . .food and beverages are pricey (except, of course, for the free beer). Charlie's kids meal (a tiny hot dog, chips, raisins and drink) was $7.95. Even Disney is cheaper than that.

But, the Shamu show was wonderful, Happy Harbor was a repeater (after a few more workouts, a few less pounds, and long pants), Kraken and Journey to Atlantis still await, and we still have yet to see the other shows. So, we'll be back!

Yay Randy! Look at you joining in the improv blog-ring today (and you wrote more than some of the other bloggers)! I want to see SAK. I'm curious to see the comparison.

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