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Wednesday, October 05, 2005 

The Power of Editing

One of the most fun parts of creating a video is the editing process. I don't enjoy shooting the video that much, because we use volunteers, and it's very hard to ask a volunteer to do something again, because they didn't do a good job the first time. Maybe if I worked with paid actors it would be different, but I usually settle for poor performances. Also, there is a lot of stress to ensure that all the shots are there, that they will cut together, that enough angles are available, etc. Shooting is hard work.

However, once we get to the editing process, that's where the creativity begins. You can really change the way a video feels, the mood, the humor. I'm amazed at how cutting a clip one second earlier can really make it 100x more funny. And finding the right music, the correct transitions, the perfect flow. That's where the fun is for me.

Obviously, some others feel the same way. They've taken existing movies, and created brand new movie trailers for those movies, which completely change what the movie appears to be.

Who wants to go see the chick flick, "The Shining"


How about that creepy zombie movie, "West Side Story"


and the horror movie, "Titanic"
