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Thursday, March 08, 2007 

Countdown to Leaving

Kim and I just returned from our preliminary trip to Florida. It was 4 days spent driving all over Orlando with our realtor, looking at areas, neighborhoods and houses, hoping to find something we will want to concentrate on when the time comes. Also, we were looking for temporary housing for me.

After some very scary areas, including a stop at a weekly rate hotel near Disney that was like something out of a bad movie, I was able to find a nice 1 bedroom condo for rent near Sea World. The problem in Orlando is that there is a law that if you rent an apartment for less than 7 months, you have to collect a 13% motel daily motel tax. So, no one wants to do a short term lease. Fortunately, I was able to find one who was willing, and it's a very nice condo less than 15 minutes from work. And it has all the amenities, like a pool, workout room, movie theatre, spa, etc. I've got to rent some furniture, but it should be liveable.

We were also able to find several very nice sections of town where we would like to live. It's so different down there, it will take some getting used to. But, the areas we found were very nice, with good schools.

Lastly, we visited the on-site daycare at Walt Disney World. It seemed very clean, and the children looked like they were very happy and well treated. That eased our minds quite a bit.

It's strange. Today, it actually dawned on me that I'm moving out of this house this weekend. Sure, my stuff is still here, and I'll get home on weekends, but this will no longer be my residence. It was very odd and a bit sad.

The hardest part will be not seeing Kim and Charlie every day. I've got a couple of flights home booked, but it won't be for two weeks until I get home the first time. The flights were just too darned expensive (over $600.00). So, I'm going to miss them an awful lot.

So, I'd ask for prayers and good thoughts that Kim finds a good paying job quickly in Orlando, and that we sell our house at the same time (and get a good price).

I bet the daycare is decorated with wall-to-wall Warner Brothers characters.

This sure will be a rough row to hoe.
We ought to know…
Wish that there was a different way to go.
We love you so…
Love and prayers,


Steve and I can empathize with you - although I know it has to be much harder knowing you're going to be away from Charlie, too. I still remember the day I loaded up my car and drove to CMU for my first day of work - driving away realizing that my life was truly taking a drastic, but good, change. And regardless of how good the change is, the was still a certain sense of fear and loss. Be good to yourself.

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